STAA is very aware of the importance of preserving the environment for the continuity of the company's operational activities. Therefore, the company ensures that all activities implement and develop sustainable and environmentally friendly palm oil plantation practices.
Plantation management is carried out by making efforts to protect and manage the environment. In these activities the company is committed to:
Protect areas that have High Conservation Value (HCV).
Protect areas that have High Carbon Stock (HCS).
Protect areas that have high biodiversity value.
Do not carry out new development on peatlands.
The company has also collaborated with consultants to prepare HCV Area documents for all its business units. After that, the company will prepare a management and monitoring document for the HCV Area based on the results of the study.
The company also maintains biodiversity conservation in its operational units through the use of camera traps to monitor fauna around the company.
Mitigating the Impact of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
In addition to continuing to maintain forested areas designated as HCV and SKT areas as one of the main carbon emission sinks in the STAA environment, the company also carries out good processing practices in palm oil factories to reduce carbon emissions. Efforts made include utilizing waste and renewable energy, using fertilizer according to dosage, adjusting fertilizer application times, and integrated pest control.
Biogas Power Plant (Biogas Plant)
Another form of our commitment is the construction of a biogas powered power plant (Biogas Plant) to meet the electrical energy needs of the kernel crushing plant and domestic palm oil mill PT Karya Serasi Jaya Abadi (KSJA). This biogas power plant can reduce GHG emissions produced by methane from palm oil mill liquid waste (POME) and convert it into electrical energy that can be reused.
Use of Solar Panel Energy
STAA has also implemented the use of solar panels at PT Karya Serasi Jaya Abadi (KSJA) as a step towards efficiency and energy saving practices. By utilizing these solar panels, STAA is able to reduce electricity consumption by up to 30%, with an output capacity reaching 600 kWp.