In an effort to put an end to the COVID-19 transmission and to support the Indonesian government’s program to achieve herd immunity, STA Resources cooperating with Indonesian Palm Oil Association of North Sumatera region(GAPKI Sumut) and the North Sumatera Public Health Office coordinated a COVID-19 vaccination program for all the Company’s employees in the North Sumatera region. The first dose of vaccine was administered simultaneously in all units of STA Resources’ Estates and Mills on 4th and 5th August 2021.
The vaccination event was virtually opened by the Governor of North Sumatera, Edy Rahmayadi. Governor Edy in his opening speech stated that the plantation workers were one of the prioritized vaccination group, given that plantations were the greatest contributors to Indonesia’s factor income from abroad. “Ladies and gentlemen, you are all prioritized, because plantations contribute considerably to our country’s factor income from abroad. We don’t want plantation workers in North Sumatera to be heavily exposed to COVID-19”, he asserted.
A total of 3,306 employees were given the first vaccine shot on 4th – 5th August 2021. The second dose shall be administered one month and three months after, since there were two different vaccines administered in the first vaccination program, Sinovac and Astra Zeneca, each of which requires different gap period between doses administered
Prior to the mass vaccination program, STA Resources had facilitated for the Group’s employees to get earlier COVID-19 vaccination by registering the employees for vaccination programs coordinated by the public health centers (Puskesmas) in every district, sub-district or other government agencies within the proximity of the Company’s estates and mills.
Every year, STA Resources awards scholarhips and gifts of school stationery to achieved students of Primary (SD), Junior High School (SMP), and Senior High School (SMA) and other vocational schools alike. The scholarships are awarded to the children who managed to achieve the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank in their respective classes, living around STA Resources operational areas (Regional domiciles in North Sumatera, South Sumatera, West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan).
This year, the total number of student granted with the scholarships was 361, consisting of 216 SD students, 98 SMP students and 47 SMU Students. The scholarships that shall be distributed to the high-achievers throughout this 2021/2022 academic year will reach a sum close to IDR 1 billion.
In addition to the scholarship distribution, STA Resources also established schools managed by Yayasan Sumber Tunas Abadi. These schools provide education for the children of the employees and children of the local residents in the proximity of STA Resources’ Estates and Mills premises. All the children studying at Yayasan Sumber Tunas Abadi are granted free education without having to pay anything at all. The operational expenses of all the schools are paid by the Company through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.
The high achievers in these schools of Yayasan Sumber Tunas Abadi are also awarded with gifts of school necessities such as schoolbags, shoes, and stationery. In the 2021 Academic year a total of 60 students were awarded with such gifts.
To date, there are 3(three) Primary Schools (SD) and 2 (two) Early Childhood Schools - Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) managed by Yayasan Sumber Tunas Abadi, i.e.: SD Sumber Tunas Abadi I in Sosa (Padang Lawas, North Sumatera), SD Sumber Tunas Abadi II in Gunung Tua (North Padang Lawas, North Sumatera), and SD Sumber Tunas Abadi III Berang Malaka (Gunung Mas, Central Kalimantan). The Early Childhood schools (PAUD) are located in Langga Payung (Labusel, North Sumatera) and Tumbang Sepan (Gunung Mas, Central Kalimantan).
In order to support the program of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in order to anticipate the spread of the corona virus, especially in the operational areas of the Company's activities, STA Resources Regional South Sumatra carried out the Covid-19 vaccination for all staff and employees.
Vaccination activities will be held on September 10-11, 2021 at PT Sumatra Candi Kencana (SCK) Kuala Puntian Plantation, PT Transpacific Agro Industry (TPAI) and Upang Palm Oil Mill PT Transpacific Agro Industry (TPAI). Jaya, both are business units under PT STA Resources Tbk.
This first dose of vaccination is a mutual cooperation vaccine in collaboration with Kimia Farma, Palembang. Representative from Kimia Farma, Aprilyanto in the opening of the event emphasized that during the vaccination implementation to keep running the prokes, orderly calls according to the serial number that has been given per division or unit so that the implementation runs smoothly and safely. this vaccination, one and the other trying to get the queue number first. The injected vaccine uses Sinopharm - Bio Farma products.
With the implementation of the mutual cooperation vaccine, all South Sumatra Regional staff and employees have been vaccinated against Covid-19. The second vaccination will be carried out approximately a month later in October 2021.
In order to prevent the development and transmission of the Covid-19 virus, it is necessary to carry out mass vaccinations that provide at least three objectives. First, to form antibodies for oneself, second, to establish herd immunity and third, to make the Government's program successful in breaking the chain of covid spread. For this reason, STA Resources' subsidiary, Central Kalimantan Region, which consists of PT Flora Nusa Perdana (FNP), Kebun Bereng Malaka and PT Tantahan Panduhup Asi (TPA), Kebun Gunung Mas and PMKS Tumbang Sepan, has carried out a mass dose of Covid-19 vaccination. The first will be held on 18-19 September 2021 and 25-26 September 2021.
The Manager of Kebun Bereng Malaka, in his opening remarks said that this vaccination was carried out as an action in the success of the government program, as well as suppressing the spread of Covid-19 19 especially in the workplace, as well as to increase the antibodies of staff and employees.
Meanwhile, the vaccinator explains that the vaccination is done for ourselves, which is to form a body defense system, because in the vaccine there are memory cells and antibiotic cells, the vaccine will work against the Covid virus -19 that enters the body, but we must not completely rely on vaccines alone, still adhere to health protocols and healthy lifestyles, to optimize vaccines work, he said in front of prospective vaccine recipients who are staff and employees of PT Flora Nusa Perdana.
Separately, the Danramil of Manuhing Subdistrict and the Manuhing Police Chief in their remarks at the time of vaccination at PT Tantahan Panduhup Asi (TPA) expressed their enthusiasm for the activities carried out by plantation companies and PMKS TPA in Breaking the Covid-19 chain and in his speech, he said that every participant can run the process, orderly with the queue number that has been made so that the implementation runs smoothly and safely.
Vaccination activities at PT. TPA and PT. FNP is a mutual cooperation vaccine program in collaboration between STA Resources and Kimia Farma. The type of vaccine injected in the first dose is Sinopharm and it is planned that the second vaccine will be administered at the end of October 2021.